Organic Staircases by Markiewicz
In staircase construction, artisanal individuality is especially evident in the vast array of design possibilities. Every markiewicz staircase can be seen as a unique work of art that reflects the personality and style of its owner. The highest level of individuality is offered by the organic style. This design approach goes beyond being merely an aesthetic option in architecture; it is considered a distinct architectural philosophy that seeks harmony between humans and their environment while promoting a sustainable future.

Hedonism and good taste are phenomena found in both architecture and the culinary world. At London’s HIDE restaurant, owned by Tatiana Fokina and Evgeny Chichvarkin, this organic spiral staircase made of oak wood stands at the center of attention alongside the fine cuisine.
Designed by London-based designer Alex Haw of Atmos Studio, engineered by Heyne Tilgt Steel, and built by Trabczynski, this staircase captivates every guest’s gaze. Its unique organic design gives the impression of a stringer staircase spiraling upward from the dimly lit, smoky bar into the sunlight-filled restaurant above. This conveys a sense of transcendence and a celebration of life.
With its "ascending dynamism" and varying surface finishes on each floor, the staircase creates a one-of-a-kind atmosphere. Symmetry is nowhere to be found in the "StairStalk." Each of the individual branch- or bone-like elements of the railing stands out with its own individuality. Such craftsmanship requires three essential qualities: time, talent, and patience.
Project Manager DWH Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau GmbH – Dresden – 2013
“An email hardly feels sufficient to express the recognition this incredible work deserves. The individuals who contributed to it can take immense pride in what is truly a life’s accomplishment. I can only bow in admiration for this achievement. Every member of the project team was in awe, marveling at the extraordinary skills of proud craftsmen and artists. My heartfelt thanks go to the team at markiewicz.”
More Customer TestimonialsFASCINATING ASYMMETRY
Unlike the clean lines and symmetrical contours of geometric shapes like circles or squares, organic forms are defined by their irregularity, curved lines, and consistently asymmetrical design. The inspiration for these designs, as well as their execution, can vary greatly. It could stem from the four elements of "earth," "water," "air," and "fire," or even from something as natural as a plant growing upwards or a stretched rubber band.
To precisely realize the visual impressions and chosen design, wood is considered the primary material for organic staircases and railings. Its exceptional plasticity allows for the most diverse design possibilities.
The master craftsmen proudly employed in our in-house manufactory create organic staircases that are unmatched. The result is always a handmade, three-dimensional carved masterpiece. We don't hesitate to call this the most sophisticated craftsmanship, as our organic staircases are nothing short of hand-carved sculptures.